Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Book List

I really believe that books are men's best friend. They just enhance your knowledge and are great when you are feeling lonely and there is nothing much to do..
Here is the list of books that I have read so far ... Right now I am mostly into fiction.. But maybe I will grow with the books and would start reading serious stuff too...

1) Kane And Abel - Jeferry Archer
2) Shall we tell the president - Jeferry Archer
3) Prisoner of Birth - Jeferry Archer
5) Sons of Fortune - Jeferry Archer
6) Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini
7) The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
8) Geisha - (don't rem the author)
9) 5 point someone - what not to do at IIT - Chetan Bhagat
10) Three mistakes of my Life - Chetan Bhagat
11) One Night at Call center - Chetan Bhagat
12) Maximum City
13) Gone with the Wind - Margaret Mitchell
14) Life and Death in Sanghai

And many books of Shidney Sheldon....
There are some books which I could not finish like Fountainhead, Shantaram.. Maybe I will pick them again in some later part of my life and try to understand why are they so famous....

Hope my above list grows and grows...
Happy reading to All....